What's Your Pet's Sun Sign?
We all know that our Sun Sign is the zodiac sign for our birthday. My cat was born on February 6th, so he is the zodiac sign Aquarius. His sun sign is Aquarius. And all that means is that on the day of his birth, if we walked out and looked at the Sun, it would be in the Tropical sign Aquarius. Note, that I did not say it was in the constellation Aquarius, but we will get to that down the road a piece.
For now, it is important that we understand that whatever sign the Sun was in on our birthday is our Sun Sign, the blurb we read in the newspapers.
Different Sun Signs
So what we are saying here is that the Sun Sign astrology we all read in the newspapers and that folks talk about amounts to nothing more than a difference in birthdays, the earth was in a different part of its annual orbit. This is what separates you from me, and if these seem like a small difference, it just may be all the difference in the world. After all, we are all animals.
The Astrology For Pets analyses the Sun Sign of you pets and the Sun Sign compatibility between you and your pet.